Well, I meant to blog about Ella's birthday party this week, but the loss of a finger tip kind of bumped it down the priority list :/ We didn't do much this weekend that was very blog worthy, so instead of my typical weekend in review post, I'm going back to last weekend to one of the biggest highlights for us: our little friend Ella turning 3!
We went to Ella's birthday party last week and it was a BLAST! Her mom, Rebekah, and I are friends, and they just moved back to NWA... we couldn't be more excited about them being closer to us! Rebekah did a Carnival party theme and it was SO SO SO cute. The boys absolutely LOVED all of the carnival games, especially the ones that required you to throw :)
Connor's favorite game was this one where you throw the balls at paint cans to knock them down
There was a little photo booth set up, and Brayden was all about it, which surprised me. I went with it, and we spent a few minutes laughing and snapping pictures. He seriously cracks me up.
oh my word. I die.
This was Brayden's favorite game. He played there the entire time almost.
it didn't take Connor long to find the food tables
Brayden and the birthday girl, Ella.
at one point during the party, I asked Drew if he knew where Connor was. We both kind of looked at each other and I started frantically looking around the backyard for him. I found him wandering around in the front yard. Scare me to death.
sweet boy.
happy birthday Ella!
Brayden and his buddy, Jack. Please note the cotton candy Brayden has in his hand. This was after he ate 5, yes 5, fun dips. Sugar high doesn't even describe it yall.
Connor wouldn't do the photo booth, but he walked around with these glasses on for a while. I couldn't stop laughing.... SO funny.
We have another busy week this week, including another trip to the orthopaedic surgeon. Connor's finger is actually healing really well, and no bone has broken through yet, so we're hoping that this means that he will need the least bit of surgery necessary. I'll update after the appointment for sure! Have a great week!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago