Friday we had a huge storm that came in and it finally took away the high humidity and temperatures and replaced it with fall weather. It's been glorious! Since it was storming we spent most of the day inside. The boys played dress up and asked to take a picture... I mean, I know I'm biased, but how cute are they?!?!

Saturday we took the kids to swim lessons, and then afterward met up with some of our friends for a little walk on the local trails. I can't believe they are all this big now :(

Brayden (3), Avery (3), Paige (5) and Connor (almost 22 months)
Saturday afternoon Drew and I had a wedding to attend. It was an outdoor wedding, and was gorgeous. I was kind of wishing I had brought my camera. I didn't even bring my phone with me to the actual wedding, so I have NO pictures. Bummer! After the wedding, Drew and I went out to dinner. We used that time to also watch the Arkansas game. If you follow college sports at all, then you know that we completely self imploded. We went from #8 in the country, to being completely unranked. It makes me sick just thinking about it, so I'll move on.
Today has been another beautiful day. The boys have been loving all the outdoor time, and I finally feel like I can let them play outside without fear of heat stroke.

Connor on the way home from church. Such a sweetie boy!

B on the way home from church. Silly boy won't keep his button up shirt on during church. He is REALLY soaking in all of the lessons he's learning at church, AWANA and MDO. I'm so proud of him and the little man he's becoming!
I've been working hard on a little project for the guest room:

Drew built this last week and I've been busy distressing it. The distressing was a great way to relieve stress last night during the awful football game. Also, the distressing looks TERRIBLE on raw wood, but once it's stained it looks SO good. I've already tried a small piece just to make sure I knew what I wanted it to look like :) I'll be staining in over the next several days, and hope to reveal the guest room soon!
We have our first full week of fall activities this week. I'm a bit nervous because it's the busiest I've been since having Connor, but I think it will be good for all of us to have a regular stream of activities. Have a great week!