Today ends the Valentines Extravaganza held by Momma M over at My Little Life. It's been really fun reading everyone's stories, and reminiscing over my own.This being Valentines Day, the theme is 10 things you love about your love. So, without further ado, my list :o)
10. His smile. Not his goofy, trying to make me laugh smile, but his GENUINE smile.
9. His desire to provide and work hard for his family. I always say that we'll never go hungry because I think Drew would do ANYTHING to provide for us. Definitely makes me feel secure and well taken care of!
8. His desire to be a hands on dad. He really doesn't shy away from doing anything with Brayden and is soooooo helpful in making sure that I have time away or time to focus on other things besides just B.
7. His love for the Lord. It's what first attracted me to him, and it hasn't changed since. He posesses such a deep knowledge of the Word and is so helpful in explaining things to me in a way that make sense (sometimes those Biblical commentators use big Seminary words and just confuse me!).
6. I love how we both see eye to eye on finances. One of the top reasons people get divorced these days is due to financial fights, and to be honest I don't think Drew and I have ever fought about money. We just totally see eye to eye. I love how he sees things about 20-30 years down the road. While I am a planner, sometimes I tend to get stuck in the moment.
5. I love the way he leaves little notes in the kitchen in the morning on his way to work. Sometimes he'll even hide them so I get them throughout the day :)
4. I love how he loves that I am rough and tumble. I am sure that my tomboyishness is a turn off to some men, but Drew lets me scrub around most days, and is totally fine with me knowing more football stats than him (not that I am bragging or anything, as he readily admits the fact).
3.I love how handy he is. He is Mr. Fix It! When I was preggo with B, I wanted a bookcase, but I had this specific picture in mind. I told Drew what I wanted, and we went to Lowe's bought all the materials and he made the bookcase I wanted for a fraction of what it would have cost me at Walmart! Hooray for handy husbands!
2. I love how much he helps around the house. I know that there are some husbands out there who will sit on their bums watching their wives clean circles around them... but not my guy! He's so good about pitching in with the laundry (I abhor folding clothes), cleaning up dishes after dinner, washing the showers in the bathrooms for me, etc.
1. The way he makes me want to be a better person. He's constantly challenging and encouraging me to believe in myself and to push myself to be the best.
Happy Valentines Day Babe! I love you so much and am so blessed to be able to walk this journey with you. Thanks for being my man!