Yesterday, the weather was a comfortable 65 degrees with not a cloud in the sky. Today the temperature is scheduled to plummet throughout the day until it changes this nasty rain to snow. LOTS of snow. In March. After the trees have bloomed and the sun has arrived. It's SO utterly frustrating, especially when I have a little boy who LOVES to be outside. But rather than sit inside and pout about it, I edited pictures of our fun afternoon yesterday in the playscape he got for Christmas from my parents. I tried to get my good camera out to take these pictures, but alas, the childproof lock on our computer cabinet is also adult proof. Or idiot proof. Sadly, probably the latter.

I love the perspective of this picture, and it was completely unintentional.

My furry baby is pretty darn happy that Spring is on it's way here. He LOVES to lay outside in the grass.

B loves the tunnel, but hasn't quite figured out that he can't sit up in it. He gets SO mad when he tries to sit up and bangs his head on the top. It's actually pretty funny, so usually he starts crying/screaming and I start laughing. He'll learn soon enough.

Love,love, love this picture. he's all dirty and grimy, and just ALL boy.

Hope you're having a lazy Saturday like we are!