Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend in Review: aka blizzard #2 2010

I swear, the weather here in Arkansas has multiple personalities! Friday Brayden and I enjoyed a warm afternoon playing outside. Saturday started out fairly mild, but quickly dipped to freezing and the nasty rain changed to snow. It was a snow SHOWER. The HUGE chunky kind, just POURING from the sky. I actually got video and hopefully will upload it later tonight. It snowed from Saturday afternoon till Sunday afternoon, and then switched over to rain. We got a total of about 8 inches; there are places in our yard where the snow drifts are much more than that. Quite a bizarre way to start our Spring. We tried to get B interested in it, but after he plunged both of his hands into the deep snow, he was done! I've decided he hates the cold. Good thing it will start warming up later this week :o) Due to the snow  we really didn't get out much or do anything fun and exciting. But it was kind of nice enjoying a nice lazy weekend together as a family, especially in light of Drew not having homework due to spring break this next week. Here are some of the shots I took of the snow today.


What is this stuff?
Toby trying to teach B how to eat the snow
caught him blinking

After 5 minutes, he was through
(this pic was taken with my point and shoot so the quality is subpar, but I think it's hilarious that I got Toby in action. He was literally hopping through the snow like a rabbit because it was so high. He LOVES the snow, so he was in HEAVEN!)
(another point and shoot pic, but isn't the snow just SO pretty?)
the snowman Drew helped me make

Hope everyone has a great week!

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