We had to go and feed the birds again. I mean, how could you not when the weather is so pretty, your grandparents are in town, and Daddy didn't get to get in on the action the first time?! We went to a different pond and these ducks were a bit more subdued than the one we visited earlier this week. Brayden was enthralled, which was no surprise, and he wanted to get down to get IN the water... another non-surprise. Our boy loves the ruff and tumble and loves the water!

the geese were pretty into the bread, but who wouldn't be when you feed off the crap on the bottom of the lake!

Drew making comments about the millions of perch that were literally jumping out of the water for the bread. I'm pretty sure if you had put a net in the water you would have gotten about 20 of them.

Brayden was more interested in taste testing every piece that was thrown out. I think he got a little sad we were giving the bread away :)

this duck was CRAZY. He would literally catch a piece of bread, waddle down to the water...

spit the bread out into the water, and then nibble at it in the water. SO weird. I guess he knows what he likes!

Somebody is VERY loved around here!

Gigi was showing him the flowers he was pointing at

oh Gigi, you are SO silly!