Yesterday Brayden and I met up with several friends at a local park to have an Easter Egg hunt. I didn't think B would be too excited about it, but he loved shaking the eggs and then tasting them. And when he found out there were goldfish inside... oh my! The boy was in HEAVEN. I have about a gazillion pictures to edit, so here's the first batch. I'll post more soon!

This one might be my fave of the entire day; his sweet chubby cheeks and hands are to die for!

Laci found an egg with jelly beans and went to town!

Sweet Sarah checking out what she found. Sarah is only 3... can you believe the locks on her head? She seriously has the prettiest hair I've ever seen on a little girl!

Philip kept us all on our toes. At one point he was swinging out of the playground set at the very top... scary!

I asked Josie to smile, and she put her finger on/in her nose. She's such a silly girl!

Kaiya about to head down the slides

B-man, proud of finding another egg
More pics to come later, when I have time to sit down and edit :)