Excited... that I get to see Eclipse tonight with a good friend. Yes, I am one of those people.
Thankful... that we got Brayden in to see the doctor yesterday instead of today. He woke up with red, swollen eyes, green snot and pointing at his ear fussing. The antibiotics are working though, and I am hopeful he'll be on the right track by the end of the day.
Blessed... that we got a changing table/dresser combo for $25 off of craigslist. It needs new knobs, and perhaps a paint job since I am not crazy about the honey oak finish, but for $25, I am not complaining.
Prayerful... for my good friend and mentor Ann Parkinson as she is trying to get back to Little Rock to be with her daughter Betsy, who was in a terrible car accident yesterday. Betsy is in ICU right now with several head trauma wounds. The brain is not swelling, which is good news, but she is sedated and intubated right now. Please pray for the Parkinson family.
Nervous... as we near the date of our "big" ultrasound.
Blessed... the have a relatively healthy baby boy, an awesome husband and an amazing family.
Thankful... for an awesome God who will take away the nervousness of the ultrasound and who holds me in His hands.
Hungry... which means it's almost time for lunch, so I should probably quit blogging and figure out what baby boy and I are going to eat today.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago