This is my son Brayden at 5 months old. He was going to be dedicated at church around 6.5 months, and so I wanted to get a cute picture of him to submit for our dedication. I figured I could capture him well in our front yard so went outside to see if I could get anything. Around this same time, Brayden had started doing what we called "scrunchy face". Out of the blue he would scrunch his face up, and start breathing really heavily in and out. It was hilarious to us, but I think it caught strangers by surprise. Which was funny, since he would do this TOO people when he'd see them. haha! Anyway, so back to my shoot. I layed him on the grass (this was before he could crawl or roll, so I was able to just plop him down and shoot away), and he immediately started making this face. No smiles, no grins, no nothing, just scrunchy face. I pretty much thought the session was a bust, but this honestly is our most favorite photos of our son to date. To put some icing on the cake, this photo was purchased last winter by a major greeting card company, and will be used as a greeting card photo come July. I couldn't be prouder that scrunchy face will live on for, hopefully, years to come.

Be sure to visit the i heart faces website to check out all of the other baby entries this week!