This week over at Girl Talk, we're hosting a blog hop that's all about hobbies. My hobbies have evolved over the years. I would say that my first hobby was baseball card collecting.
(Image found HERE via Google Images)
Don't gasp. My dream when I was a young girl was to be the first woman to play Major League Baseball. Obviously that dream didn't pan out, and I honestly became more of a college football fan than an MLB fan. I do still have an entire case of baseball cards, some of which are worth a good penny. I plan on handing them down to the boys, in a decorator sort of way. I've always wanted my boys to have a vintage sports room, so when the two are old enough to share a room I'll be framing some of the nicer cards to use as decoration. (Image found HERE via Google Images)
I went through a short stint of scrapbooking. I wasn't very good at it, and it took more time than I was willing to give, so I gave it up. Which brings me to my next hobby:(Image found HERE via Google Images)
BLOGGING. I admit it. I'm addicted. Partly because it's my way of chronicling everything that happens in our lives since Brayden has come. I want him to have something to look back to and see all of the fun things we have done as a family. Blogging allows me to do this and doesn't take near the time that scrapbooking does. I also am addicted to blogging because I have seriously met some of the nicest people through blogging. At first I was hesitant about commenting on other blogs... now, I always try to leave a comment if I visit. It's so much fun developing relationships with other people who are in the same stage of life as me, or going through things that I have gone through. Not only does it make me feel more "normal," it gives me (and hopefully others) hope that this too shall pass!(Image found HERE via Google Images)
And lastly, one that is probably most evident through my blog: Photography. I love looking through my lens and freezing time, especially now that I have a little boy who changes what seems like by the hour. We don't really have the money to pay a professional photog for those fancy shmancy hang over your fireplace family pics, so that drives a lot of why I always have my camera out. But I also know that one of the most fun things to do is to pull out old photo albums with my siblings and laugh at some of the memories we have frozen in pictures. My hope is that it will be that way with Brayden, Connor, and any other children we have in the future. Do you have fun hobbies that you'd like to share? Hop on over to Girl Talk to join in on the hobby talking fun!