Friday we started our garage sale. We were actually really surprised at how many people showed up on Friday. Don't these people have jobs???? LOL. Drew actually left the house for a men's group on Friday morning around 6am, and he had people outside our house waiting for us to open. CRAZINESS. Also, let me just be the first to say that having a garage sale when you have a toddler makes for about ten times more work! Brayden was into EVERYTHING and didn't want to settle for playing inside. That meant one of us had to watch him to ensure he didn't run into the street. Since I tire out more easily these days, that meant Drew did most of the work. When we shut the garage at 2pm, we both felt like we had run a marathon. EXHAUSTING. We were thankful how well we did though.
When B woke up from his nap on Friday, we decided to go and run a few errands. To make it fun for B we took him to Chuck E Cheese. He's still too young to really know when stuff is on or not, so we just let him run around from car to car to "drive." (don't worry, we stuck a few tokens in every now and then). In fact, we found a cup full of tokens stashed far back in one of the ride on toys. We sat there for about 10-15 minutes, and we figured whoever had left it there wasn't there anymore, so we used that as our tokens. After about an hour at CEC, we headed out to get Brayden some new shoes. He needed some black chuck's to wear to my sister's wedding next month with his tux, and he also needed some brown dress shoes. We ran into Rack Room Shoes, found what we needed, and ran back out. We ran a few more errands and called it a night.
Saturday we woke up at normal time and started up the garage sale again. We surprisingly sold almost everything we had for sale... I was sure we'd have tons left over. Drew even sold out of the hot dogs and most of the sodas and waters that we had for sale. We watched most of the Hogs game on ESPN360 (the Hogs beat Georgia-- WOOO PIG SOOIE!), took a quick nap afterward, and then when B woke up w dropped off the stuff we didn't sell at the local community center thrift shop for a donation. Saturday night we hung up the drapes for Brayden's "new" room (the front room), cleared out the filing cabinet and cleaned up a bit more in the front room. I am proud to say that the front room is pretty much completely done, minus the futon that is staying in there for a few more weeks as we have scheduled guests coming to visit. Brayden will for sure be moved by the 1st weekend of October... then I can start on making the nursery Connor's! Wow!
Sunday was a crazy day, with volunteering in the nursery, cleaning up the house, baking cookies, and having our community group over for a get together. The kids ran wild, and the adults enjoyed cookies and homemade ice cream.
And that was pretty much our weekend. I feel like a zombie, but we have another busy week ahead with errands, play dates and house cleaning before our big weekend with my best friend Stephanie and watching the Hogs play Bama. Hope everyone has a great week! (And as promised, I'll end this post with some pics I snapped of B this weekend when we were playing outside... you're welcome!):