Saturday was the baby shower, which was so much fun. I was able to catch up and see old friends, and enjoy some fun baby time. Funny story of the day: I was with my best friend Stephanie (who is due 1 week before me with her 3rd boy) at the grocery store getting fruit. The lady asked if we had a shower and we said yes, and then asked when we were due. It then occurred to us that she meant if it was OUR shower. So I had to correct her and say that it was for a friend of ours who is due 3 weeks before us. LOL. I think I mentioned on Friday that out of 8 of the girls who were in our coaching group in high school, 5 of us are pregnant. Here's a picture with the 6 of us girls (2 of the girls couldn't make it), 5 of which are preggo! (And I mus apologize... I am too lazy to edit these pictures or to add my watermark)...

(from L to R): Christy (the lone non-preggers), Steph (due with baby boy #3, and due one week before me!), Me (do you love how I have water underneath my baby bump?? I had just finished cutting the fruit and was leaning against the counter... LOL!), Katie (the one we were showering and the lone girl mommy of the group-- all the rest of us have boys! She's due the beginning of November), Courtney (she is 22 weeks pregnant with baby boy #3... I know, makes me sick too!) and Amanda-- she's 12 weeks pregnant. I love these girls SO much!
My camera died in the middle of the shower, so here is what I got before the battery death :(

The diaper cake-- didn't Courtney do such a great job?!?!

Christy and Amanda

The beautiful flower arrangement made by Mrs. Lynn

These cupcakes were DIVINE!

Some of the food spread

Do you see the cute toothpicks? I loved them!

Katie got some great gifts and super cute outfits for baby Liberty!

These jeans were PRECIOUS... they had tab pockets on the back, which I am a sucker for!

Katie and our mutual friend Lindsay

Courtney made this canvas to hang on the door (and for Katie to use in baby Liberty's nursery), and she also made the cute pom-poms out of tissue paper!
After the shower I headed back home, and enjoyed the peaceful drive listening to the Razorbacks on the radio. The drive was peaceful... until I stopped for a soda and upon getting back onto the interstate, spilled the ENTIRE 44 oz Dr Pepper in our CRV. It was a catastrophe. So I pulled over at the next stop in hopes that I'd be able to figure out some way to get all of the soda out of the carpet. There was only some cheap paper towels there at the gas station, so I managed to do the best I could with those, removed the rug from the car, and proceeded on my way. I was SO ticked. I am crossing my fingers that it doesn't stain the carpets too bad (Drew helped me mop up most of it when I got home, but it had been sitting in the car at that point for over an hour, so it's yet to be determined the real damage that was done).
Today we've had church, and a little get together with our community group this evening. I am a bit overwhelmed with everything I still need to catch up on this week, especially in light of the fact that Drew and I decided to move the date of our garage sale to next weekend. LOTS to do, not much time to get it all done. Story of my life, right? Hope everyone has a great week!