I've had the itch for a new look for the blog for a while now. Doing all of those blog makeovers will do that to ya you know?! Anyway, I figured what better time to roll out a new look than before Connor is born. I mean, I have time, I need to incorporate him more into the layout, and I was ready for something just a bit more fun than the last look. SO.... I'm unveiling it today! Bear with me as I iron out the kinks and figure out the best design for the header. What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Be honest with me... I'd rather you honest than think it horrible and not say a thing! Oh, and if you want a new design on YOUR blog, feel free to contact me! I have a few packages to choose from over at
Designs by Linds, and would LOVE to help you make YOUR blog have that extra swagger that you're wanting. And if you mention my blog re-design from A Dollop of My Life, I'll even shave off 10% off the package price! Just make sure you mention this redesign. The discount is good until the end of September (September 30th, 2010 to be exact!). So what are you waiting for? Let me know what you think!