Friday we started the weekend out by having some friends over for a family pizza dinner. It was so much fun to hang out with them and their sweet daughter. Brayden had been acting TERRIBLY all day, so I was kind of worried that he would be complete implosion city when they were here, but Drew reminded me that B normally flips a switch and acts angelic around other people. True to form, B went from throwing tantrums to dancing in the kitchen the minute our friends walked into the house. Sometimes I just have to shake my head at that boy!
I took these pics on Friday morning... I love my boys!

A side view of the very real mohawk

EEEKKKK... I love him so much yall! SO SO SO much!
Saturday B had lessons. Since he only has 2 more left to his class, Drew let me swim with him. I have to say, Brayden really does so well compared to the other kids. Most of them freak out at atleast one point during the class, but B takes everything in stride. I'm so proud of him! Ofcourse, it also makes me a little nervous knowing that this summer I won't be able to contain him as well at the pool. Start praying for me now! haha! After swim lessons we went to the store and while we were there Drew caved and let me purchase a little golf set for Brayden (Drew's actually glad now that we got the set, he was just hesitant to introduce yet another sport to our athletic little stud). I'm not quite sure Brayden understands it well yet, as Drew came to the kitchen this afternoon and said "Linds, I think Brayden's confused. He's got a soccer ball stuck in his basketball goal, and hitting the soccer ball with his golf club." haha! He'll learn eventually! Saturday afternoon Drew had to study, so B and I hung out by ourselves at the house. Saturday evening I worked a shift at the semi-annual consignment sale I purchase most of the boy's clothes. By working a shift I am able to get into the sale a bit early, and avoid some of the madhouse rush that normally ensues when the sale opens to the public. By 10pm last night when my shift ended, I was completely pooped and don't think I have fully recovered.

A very happy golfer :)

Daddy got a hold of the camera while mommy was away working... even daddy gets big smiles!

I'm hoping he was eating dinner during this picture... but not sure :)

This morning Drew and I served in infants. At the beginning of the class we had 5 infants and just us two, and all 5 of them were crying at the same time. I kind of started to panic, but thankfully reinforcements came quickly and the rest of the class was (relatively) uneventful. It definitely wore both of us out though, and after lunch we both were able to take naps (a rarity with two kiddos!). This afternoon Drew started prepping the garden for spring, so Brayden and I kept him company outside. B was beside himself with the new dirt pit that was unveiled (Drew keeps it covered during the winter), and had fun tromping around in the dirt all afternoon. This evening before bath time Brayden helped me make some Chocolate Chip Oatmeal muffins so that we'd have something yummy for breakfast.

Toby loves it now that we're going outside more!

A wagon ride from daddy! Toby wanted in, but once he was there he wasn't so sure. Brayden was so excited to have a riding buddy!

As much as he is a handful, I still love him with all of my heart.

Makin' muffins with momma :)

sneaking a lick...

he's saying "mmmmm" after licking the mixer :)
I'm gearing up for what looks to be a busy week, and trying not to stress in the process. Hoping some of the spring weather we had last week comes back this week, as this weekend's been pretty dreary and cold. Hope everyone has a good week!