1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I went through phases, but I can say that for the longest time I dreamed of being the first woman who ever played Major League baseball (for the Oakland A's, which was my favorite team growing up!). When I got to high school, I got a bit more realistic, and wanted to be an athletic trainer with an NFL team.
2. Did you go to school/get training to become that? If not what did you go to school/get training for?
I actually started out college as an athletic training major. But then my freshman year I met and started dating this boy named Drew :) And I realized that athletic training was not really a good field to be in if you wanted a family friendly job, so I switched majors after my freshman year at U of A. I graduated in 3.5 years with a General Business Degree.
3. Are you currently using your degree/training now?
Nope. I honestly never really did, other than the first job I had after college. But once Drew and I got married we knew that I would stay at home, and the corporate world was just too ruthless for me. I guess I do use some of my skills when I talk with Drew about investments and our finances, but to me, everyone should understand those things, not just those who go to school for a business degree.
4. If you could do it all again would you do it the same or would you want to be something different?
Well, it's hard to say. If I was single, I would probably have gone through the athletic training program at U of A. I still see the trainers go to the injured players and I think the job looks so interesting. But Drew and my boys are so much better than any job that I have, that I think I chose the right direction :)
Interested in letting us know what YOU wanted to be? Head on over to Girl Talk and link up!