Saturday we had a nice morning just hanging out at the house (me and Brayden that is, since Drew is having to work a bit of overtime right now). We met up with Drew at Sam's for our weekly family trip. Brayden had samples before lunch, ate an entire piece of pizza for lunch, and then followed that up with samples again after lunch. The boy can pack it down! I think he might be going through a growth spurt, because he's been eating an ENORMOUS amount of food. With another boy on the way, I shudder at what our food bills will look like in a few years :o/ YIKES.
Saturday evening we had a birthday party for one of Brayden's very few boy friends (not boyfriends, but a friend who is a boy... you know what I mean!). Little Philip turned two, and had a backyard sprinkler/pool party. It was fun, but chasing Brayden all around the yard trying to make sure he didn't eat was a little exhausting. I did gather enough energy to capture a few cute pictures though:

Lovin' him some watermelon!

Hanging out with Paige and Seaghan

We got Philip a Buzz Lightyear... it was a big hit!

At first, Brayden wasn't sure how to use the scooter. It didn't take long though, and he got to ride all over the yard thanks to some help from Daddy.

I love this picture! It's like Brayden and Laci are discussing the watermelon.

I thought he might share, but he takes after me too much. Food is not for sharing :)
Sunday was a typical day with church, yard work (for Drew-- thanks babe!) and yet another party. This time, we had a pizza and ice cream social at the Porbeck's. There was a sand table and more splash pools, so Brayden was in heaven.

watching Daddy mow the yard. He wants SO badly to help out. Little does he know that he'll be taking over this job in about 10 years.

some day he won't be bailing out of the pool when the girls come :)

he was playing with the girls. they wanted the door closed and he would open it and just laugh and laugh. haha.
We have a laid back week ahead of us, and honestly, I am grateful. I feel like this summer has been a whirlwind of events, and doesn't seem like it's going to slow down anytime soon. Hope everyone has a great week!