Well, we had a fun, family-filled weekend here at our house, and quite honestly, that's just the way I like it. There's nothing better than spending some good quality time with both of my boys, and with Drew in the thick of his hardest class yet with his MBA program, B and I were grateful to get some good "Daddy time" with him.
Friday evening we went to a local hospital to visit some good friends who just had their third baby. At 9 pounds 2 ounces, baby Ellen doesn't really hold the record for a small baby, but oh my, she seemed so small to me as I held her. She was absolutely perfect, and I was quite impressed with her momma Kara walking around the hospital room like it was just another day (Kara has c-sections, so a day after surgery is impressive to this gal, who was still limping around after 4 days of a regular delivery!). Holding that sweet baby girl put a little joy in my heart thinking that in a few months I will have one of my own little ones to hold. I can't even remember what it was like when B was that small. Well, besides the constant poopy diapers, middle of the night feedings and trying to figure out why he's crying. Besides those middle of the night feedings, not much has changed right? haha. Just kidding. Sort of.
Saturday Drew and I both woke up early with B, got dressed and headed to our fitness center. You see, our fitness center offers child care on Saturday mornings from 8-12. And not just child care. Child care where you can LEAVE THE FITNESS CENTER PREMISES. At $2 per hour, this is the cheapest babysitting around, and we took full advantage by having a Saturday morning date. And where better to spend a date morning brunch than Mimi's Cafe? I LOVE Mimi's, and it was SO nice to eat with Drew and not worry about food being thrown on the floor, or fruit to cut. After breakfast we strolled around the local farmer's market and ran a few errands sans baby. Saturday afternoon we headed to the pool and enjoyed some sunshine. Brayden was loving the pool on Saturday, and we were able to stay for an hour and a half before having to go and pick up Drew's dad from the airport. After picking up Drew's dad we went out to eat and ate some GOOD barbecue. Brayden did SO well during dinner. He even offered his fries to the man sitting behind us-- haha! He also had his first Oreos at dinner, and I have a feeling he has a new love. He literally ate two oreos and drank his entire cup of milk. He kept saying "MMMM" after he would take a bite. It was SO cute. It was the first time he'd really had a "real" cookie (right now he thinks a cookie is an organic toddler mum mum, which is OK by me!).
Today we served at church, attended the service, and then came home and all took naps. 4 hour naps to be exact. I think B was completely worn out from our weekend and was catching up. We ended the weekend with some grilled chicken while watching The Book of Eli. After hearing that it was a good movie we decided to rent it. It was an odd movie at best. Definitely glad I didn't spend money in the theaters for that one.
We have a busy week ahead of us. The most important day is Tuesday, when I go in for my 22 week checkup. We're hoping to get some more definitive answers from my doctor regarding Connor's kidneys, heart and spine. I'll definitely be updating yall if we hear anything new.
Also, I know some of you have asked where you can get the card that Brayden is on... my answer is that I don't know exactly (I do know Lifeway Christian stores and Family Christian Stores are carrying it). It would be a safe bet to say that most Christian book stores will carry it. It's a Dayspring card, and under the Praying for You category. The front of the card is a close up black and white picture of B's face. The back of the card, underneath the price has the card number 46955. I think if you ask the store about the card they should be able to look it up by that number. Hope that helps you find the card!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago