Well, January 20, 2011 can be counted as Brayden's first BIG snow. Last Christmas it snowed, but he was still too young to really understand. This morning was a different story. We woke up to about 3 inches and it ended up dumping another inch or two throughout the day.
My boys before breakfast. I love these two so much!
Brayden was REALLY excited about going outside.
He was a little skeptical...
We showed him how to stick his tongue out and eat the snow.
headed for the slide...
tried to get up... and then completely imploded. For what reason we don't really know. We think it was because snow got on his... gloves and boots {gasp}.
this was pretty much what he looked like for about an hour afterward. Pitiful I tell you.
We quieted him down a bit by making snow ice cream (He loves to help in the kitchen!)
And he was happy again!
So we thought we'd try round 2 (and have him make a snowman with Daddy)...
he started out happy...
but it didn't last long
Guess we'll try again next time!
And just in case you're wondering... this is what this little mister did most of the day during all of the snow drama:
Atleast someone is peaceful around here :)
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago