Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things I Swear By

Today over at Girl Talk we're doing a Girl Talk Blog Hop with the theme: Things I Swear By. It was actually my idea, this theme, because it seems to me whenever me and my friends get together we're always exchanging ideas on things we love/hate. My list is in no particular order; it's just what I can think off the top of my head that I know I couldn't live without. Most of them are baby items because, well, that's the stage of life I'm in, and anything to make my life easier as a mommy is welcomed with WIDE open arms :) Without further ado, I give you my list.

Baby Bjorn Soft Scoop Bib
(Image found HERE)

This is my #1 thing I tell moms of toddlers to get. We started out with cloth bibs, and the HUGE plastic looking bibs from Target and Walmart. I hated cloth; the food would dry and it was impossible to get it off. The big plastic bibs were too bulky, and Brayden would cry. These fit great, are dishwasher safe (although I just hand wash mine since I only have two), and most importantly, are hard for little kids to take off (although Brayden has now mastered that art, but he's almost too big for a bib now anyways).

Summer Infant SwaddleMe blanket

(Image found HERE)

I have swaddled both of my boys, but I lack the artistic ability to swaddle with a regular blanket. Drew does it great, but since he's not home all day that posed a problem form me. This blanket fixes all of that. It's easy to swaddle them, they come in various prints, colors and fabrics for each season, and they even have a flap you can pull down to change a diaper and still keep their arms swaddled.

Miracle Hand Repair
(Image found HERE)

I have incredibly dry hands in the winter. INCREDIBLY DRY. My dad introduced this to me a bit before Drew and I got married, so about 8 years ago. This is the thing... it smells gross. Well, not gross, but most definitely like an old lady. An OLD lady. BUT, it works WONDERS on your hands. The best part is that it's not greasy, but it's super thick, so it's great to use both at night and during the day. SCORE.

(Image found HERE)

I've only been doing this workout for 3 weeks, but so far I've lost 5 pounds. I can tell a difference in my stamina, my strength and my energy. It's HARD. I'm doing it with Drew and it's fun to have something to do together in the evenings besides watch TV. The only sad part for me is that I think it's affecting my milk supply, so I am either going to have to cut back on working out so much (you do 6 workouts a week), or cutback altogether until I quit nursing.

I know I have more, but I honestly can't think of them right now because my brain is kind of fried. I can't wait to read everyone else's responses. If you'd like to join in on the fun, just hop on over to Girl Talk and link up!

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