Friday I had an unexpected surprise-- my friend Katie called me at the very last minute and asked if I'd want to go out to eat. Just us two. It's a rarity for sure, and after the long week I had, I was very much willing to take her up on the offer. Thankfully I have a husband who is so good about letting me get out of the house if I need to, and Friday was no exception. So as soon as Drew got home, Katie picked me up and we headed to PF Changs. We had a great time laughing and talking. Katie is one of those friends who meets me where I am, who understands what I mean, and who allows me to be me.
Saturday we started back with swim lessons for Brayden. He had been in them from age 6 months to 1 year, but we took a bit of a sabbatical through last summer and my pregnancy. I was kind of nervous how he would respond to them since we haven't been in the water since September, but he did swimmingly (LOL, I'm so funny!)!

Connor was dressed as the handsome man of the day :)

I know he's not looking at the camera, but I just love this picture. He's so chunky-- I LOVE it! I seriously kiss his cheeks and his thunder thighs every minute he's awake!

all ready to go to swim class, and clearly excited about it!

He got this swim suit and rash guard for Christmas from Drew and I and LOVED it. He was so excited to finally get to wear it, that he wouldn't look at the camera.
He wasn't a big fan of working on "reaching and pulling" and "kicking" so much as jumping off of the side of the pool. He literally kept saying "aden, aden" (again, again) whenever we were working on anything other than jumping off of the side of the pool. And for the record, he'd jump off the side with perfect form, hands clasped above his little head, and jumped in without me catching him. I have a feeling I am in for it this summer at the pool :) After his swim lesson we headed to Sam's as a family and ate pizza for lunch. It's a tradition we had when B was in swim classes before, and we were excited to be a family of 4 continuing the tradition.

I kept asking him to smile for the camera... these were the best I could do :)

Saturday afternoon Drew helped me clean the house, which it was in desperate need of. He literally dusted, vacuumed and cleaned the showers, while I focused on cleaning the other parts of the house. We took it easy the rest of the day on Saturday.

Drew will probably kill me for putting this on here, but I think it's such a cute picture of two of my boys :) Connor was just chilling with his dad!
Sunday we had church and it marked the first day I was mortified as a parent (perhaps it's not the first, but it will definitely be the most memorable mortifying moment to date). I went to pick up Brayden from class and noticed he did not have his shoes on. When I asked where his shoes were the teacher informed me that they had to take his shoes off because he was kicking. OH DEAR. He was not just kicking toys (which we've had problems with at home lately) but other children too :( Great. Just add it to my list of other things I am working with him on. And what do you say to that teacher? I mean, I just felt so horrible. I apologized. I also don't know where he picked up kicking. I am wondering if he saw someone at Mother's Day Out kicking and picked it up there. Either way, we are going to have to buckle down on disciplining when he kicks because that is NOT acceptable behavior! Oh the joys of being a parent :) Sunday evening we had community group-- 7 couples, 15 children= all out craziness! Brayden started imploding since we kept him up past his bedtime (he is very sensitive to his schedule), so we headed home around 7:45.
We have another crazy week planned, one that includes 2 month shots for a certain little mister. Definitely not looking forward to that :( Hope everyone has a great week!