
Your name: Laura
Your blog’s name and URL:
A Hearty Overflow (http://www.laurablogsagain.blogspot.com/)
Is there a special meaning behind the name of your blog:
My blog name comes from Matthew 12:34- “For our of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Some words that are used to define “hearty” are:
Warm-hearted, affectionate, cordial
Heartfelt, genuine, sincere
Enthusiastic or zealous
Exuberant, unrestrained
Substantial, abundant, nourishing
I want the overflow of my heart to be hearty.
When and why did you start blogging:
I have been blogging for about seven years. I don’t even remember why I started. It probably had something to do with not having enough people to talk to and needing to get my thoughts out. I got hooked and I haven’t been able to stop.
Your family:

Mike and I have been married for 8 ½ years. We met in college and were friends first. Eventually we started dating. One month later we got engaged and seven weeks after that we got married! On our third anniversary we found out that I was pregnant with our little Liza Mae. She is five now. Eight months after she was born we were pregnant with Jason. He is now 3 ½.
What are you favorite hobbies:
My favorite hobby is photography. It brings me so much joy and I love to give someone a picture that builds their confidence… that one that they look at and say “Wow! I am pretty!” Photography is my stress reliever. It’s also an expensive hobby that I don’t really have the money for.
My second favorite hobby is crocheting. My grandma taught me when I was about ten but I never really did much with it until recently. About a month and a half ago I started selling hats. They became so popular so fast that I started up a Facebook page and called my little business Wix-Works. It’s been a lot of fun creating cool hats for heads all over the country and it’s helping me save up some money for a camera upgrade!
The guests at your fantasy dinner party would be...
Well there is really only one person that I want to have lunch with. Lisa Bevere. She is my favorite Christian teacher/author and I always said I was going to meet her someday. And then I got to meet her during a book signing at a conference recently! After meeting her I told my husband that my new goal is to have lunch with her. And that probably means that I will have to grow to a place in ministry where I plan an event large enough to bring Lisa in and as host I will have some privileges… like maybe a lunch. Someday.
If you could be or do anything else - what would you be/do?
Umm… can I be a professional traveler and just write reviews and live in beautiful places? This is a hard question for me to answer because I actually love my life. I’m a stay at home mom and I’ve recently begun mentoring others and I know it’s what I’m supposed to be doing.
If you could live in any other time period, when might that be?
I kind of like the one I’m in.
Do you prefer books or movies?
I like them both equally. Some days are perfect for books but there are plenty of evenings where a movie is necessary. Plus, you can share a movie with someone.
A recent book and/or movie you’ve seen/read that you LOVE or a recent book/movie that’s come out that you’d like to see/read:
We saw the movie Courageous and I highly recommend it. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you look at life and how you are living it. Sure, it’s a message that was meant for dads but I think that anyone can gain something from it.
A book I am currently reading is called Nuture by Lisa Bevere. I’ve read it before and will read it again. Lisa’s message is really important and women need to connect instead of competing.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Nasty feet. Ugh. Ewww! I hate nasty feet. I actually just hate feet period. I don’t even touch my husbands! One time in high school this guy asked me to go out on his boat with some friends. I was soooo grossed out the entire time because he had the longest toenails ever. I don’t think I ever talked to him again.
Thanks so much for participating in A Dollop of Profiles Laura! And if you'd like to be "profiled" just send me an email and I will get you all the details!