Yesterday was our weekly cleaning day. It's a day where we rest from our usual busy weekends. Cleaning laundry, floors and carpets, we crank up the music, dance between dustings and have a grand ol' time. Well, I'm sure every week's not like that, but yesterday was. Brayden, Connor and myself had a few dance parties yesterday. If you're looking for a good Pandora station to listen to, I suggest creating a station with Cedarmont Kids. Brayden LOVES it. In fact, sometimes he cries between songs because he thinks the music is "ovee". Overall, yesterday was a GREAT day. I decided when I woke up that I was going to keep a good perspective. And you know what? I did. Perspective really helps I think. At least for me. Music helps keep my mind from racing, so I really do like to crank up the tunes, even when we're not cleaning. Good praise music helps me remember that God has blessed me so abundantly more than I deserve. The other perspective I'm trying to remember is that B is only 2. And he'll only be 2 once. Which means that the bad days won't be as bad some day in the (hopefully) not too distant future. And it also means that he'll only do cute things for so much longer, like telling me "you're pretty Momma" or laughing at me when I get down on the kitchen floor and pretend to be a turkey. Ah, yes. Perspective. I think that's probably what James meant when he wrote to "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials..." (James 1:2). Trials suck. Whether it be as shallow as a whiny day with the kids, or as deep as crappy family problems that plague your life... they suck. But having perspective is where it's at. God doesn't promise us a life full of non-sucky days. He promises us perspective. HOPE. There is JOY in hope. Hope that tomorrow is a new day and that God's mercies are new every morning. I'm learning to hope in the perspective that Christ gives me. It's a mind battle for me. To choose whether I am going to say "you know what? he's two, and I am going to give him a little grace and enjoy the giggles more than the temper tantrums and remember the HAPPY things about today."
Today we've enjoyed the bounce houses at a local bounce house gym and had a relatively uneventful lunch. I'm still trying to hold to my perspective... kind of hard when you have a 4 foot pile of laundry in your face. But all in all, it's been a good day. And sorry for a post with no pictures. Since our point and shoot is dead, it's a little hard for me to lug my "big" camera around to places like the bounce house place :) Hope yall are having a good week!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago