Exactly 13 months ago, you changed my life forever. Mostly for the good, although I’d be remiss to say that there haven’t been a few bumps along the way. I prayed for you for so very long. In fact, it wasn’t just your dad and I fervently praying for you, but many of our family and friends. You see dear son, our doctors told us that we would need to take medicine to have a baby like you. But God had different plans. God decided to bless us when we weren’t expecting it. I’ll never forget the day I told your dad I was pregnant with you. Sheer joy and excitement like I’ve never seen. And when we found out you were a boy? Even better. I call you a son of redemption. For now your daddy gets to be that daddy that he never had. It fills my heart with joy knowing that you look up to him so much, and I hope that someday you’ll be a good man, just like he is. I don’t know when you’ll be reading this letter; probably after all of those teen years where we’ll fight like cats and dogs, and you’ll tell me that you hate me and that I’ve ruined your life. It’s ok if you do that. I’ll know you won’t mean it, and I’ll love you even if you do. I hope that as you grow up that you’ll come to understand perhaps just a minute sliver of how much your dad and I love you and care for you deeply. Of how we long for you to know Jesus and to serve Him with your life. I long for you to be different… and be OK with it. I want you to be confident, to know who you are, what you believe in and what you stand for. Don’t let other people push you around-- stand up for what is right! Always laugh-- it’s good medicine for a weary soul. Don’t ever cheer for Alabama or Tennessee. It’d be awkward at Thanksgiving when we didn’t talk the entire time ;) Keep your sense of humor-- when you make even yourself laugh, you’re going to be infectious to others.
B-man, thanks for makin’ me a momma. Although I know that statement’s not really true, because it wasn’t you who made me a momma but God, for you can only be a gift from Him. I love you so much and am so proud to be called your mom-- in the good, the bad and the ugly. I love you son!
Exactly 13 months ago, you changed my life forever. Mostly for the good, although I’d be remiss to say that there haven’t been a few bumps along the way. I prayed for you for so very long. In fact, it wasn’t just your dad and I fervently praying for you, but many of our family and friends. You see dear son, our doctors told us that we would need to take medicine to have a baby like you. But God had different plans. God decided to bless us when we weren’t expecting it. I’ll never forget the day I told your dad I was pregnant with you. Sheer joy and excitement like I’ve never seen. And when we found out you were a boy? Even better. I call you a son of redemption. For now your daddy gets to be that daddy that he never had. It fills my heart with joy knowing that you look up to him so much, and I hope that someday you’ll be a good man, just like he is. I don’t know when you’ll be reading this letter; probably after all of those teen years where we’ll fight like cats and dogs, and you’ll tell me that you hate me and that I’ve ruined your life. It’s ok if you do that. I’ll know you won’t mean it, and I’ll love you even if you do. I hope that as you grow up that you’ll come to understand perhaps just a minute sliver of how much your dad and I love you and care for you deeply. Of how we long for you to know Jesus and to serve Him with your life. I long for you to be different… and be OK with it. I want you to be confident, to know who you are, what you believe in and what you stand for. Don’t let other people push you around-- stand up for what is right! Always laugh-- it’s good medicine for a weary soul. Don’t ever cheer for Alabama or Tennessee. It’d be awkward at Thanksgiving when we didn’t talk the entire time ;) Keep your sense of humor-- when you make even yourself laugh, you’re going to be infectious to others.
B-man, thanks for makin’ me a momma. Although I know that statement’s not really true, because it wasn’t you who made me a momma but God, for you can only be a gift from Him. I love you so much and am so proud to be called your mom-- in the good, the bad and the ugly. I love you son!