Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Few Tidbits

I have a few random thoughts in my head, so I figured it was time for another random ramblings post. 

I went to the first fall/winter consignment sale in our area last night. I have decided that people are way too emotionally attached to their kids clothes. All of the sweaters in Brayden's size were at least $12 a piece. And they showed visible wear. At $12, I'll pass and just buy him a new one thanks! I did get 4 sets of long sleeved pajamas for $4, so I was super excited about that since he's been sporting the 12 month ones for a while now, and they are a bit too tight and definitely look like capri pants. I just can't stand paying $7 for a new set of pj's. I also found a few things for Connor, since all of the outfits Brayden wore during the newborn phase are short sleeves and shorts. 

In case you haven't noticed, I created a facebook fan page for the blog. I still haven't jumped on the twitter wagon. For those who don't know, I am behind the times when it comes to technology, as I still sport a first generation razor, that is a hand me down from my dad when he switched from Alltel to AT&T. It does the job, so I am not complaining. If you're on facebook, I'd love for you to "like" my page-- so go ahead, jump on bandwagon and DO IT!

Today is a very important day in our lives. We are going to get our second ultrasound of Connor's kidneys, and also get a glimpse at his heart and spine again. I am just praying that it all checks out ok, which we won't know until next week sometime, you know, after the results get passed from the tech, to the radiologist, to the OB and then to the RN who calls me. For every set of hands that touch those results, we get a bill. If only I could come up with a business model to charge people for every freakin' step of the process, perhaps we'd be rich too. I really am not nervous about the ultrasound at all, and am just going into it as just another chance for us to see our second little boy.

Brayden now runs to my belly and points to it if we ask where Connor is. I don't think he really has a clue what's going on, other than the fact that my lap real estate is quickly diminishing. When we sit and read books, he will repeatedly try to scoot back, frustrated that he is now sitting on my LEGS and not my LAP. haha. 

I am starting to get waves of nausea again, generally if I haven't eaten in about 2 hours or so. It's really weird because I don't remember doing this with B. I am worried that my blood sugars are not leveling properly, and/or that I have gestational diabetes. I guess we'll find out soon enough... I go in next Tuesday for my next OB appointment and have to drink the dreaded GD drink. YUCK. I am just praying I don't fail the 1 hour test (I did with B). I don't know who is going to want to watch Brayden for me for 3 freaking hours while I get blood drawn like I am a medical experiment. 

For the record, the high today is 104. That's the ACTUAL temperature, not including the 70% humidity. I can barely walk outside two feet without breaking into all out sweats and subsequently crying because I feel like I am in hell. I mean, seriously, it's probably as hot as hell outside right now. I wouldn't actually know, because, you know, I've never been to Hell (thank the good Lord) and I try not to go outside these days. I wanted to kiss the weatherman last night when he reported that we'll be getting a cold front on Sunday that will drop the temps back to our normal averages, which is upper 80s. HALLELUJAH! Don't try to call next week. We'll be outside... haha!

And now I must go and make lunch for me and little man. I also must pee for the last time before filling my bladder to the max with sugars and caffeinated beverages so that my boy en utero will cooperate for the ultrasound technician. Peace out!

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