This summer I enrolled B in a moms and tots class at our fitness center. I was a bit skeptical at first; I mean, let's face it, I don't do well with singing and dancing in front of other people, and half of this class is doing just that with your toddler. Not to mention that I enrolled B before I found out I was preggers, so as the weeks progressed the class got harder and harder for me to do with him because I am just not very agile! Thankfully Drew moved offices and it happens to be right next door to where we are at, so he was able to come for atleast part of each class and help out. Today was our last class, and I have to admit that I was kind of sad. Despite my skepticism Brayden has really thrived in the class. He's learned to walk backwards, stomp his feet, follow instructions from a teacher, and his favorite part: TUMBLE. He seriously would get so giddy when the teacher would take us from the stretching room to the tumble room. Drew even has gotten him to walk on the balance beam (with a little help of course!). It was a really fun experience... not sure I'll re-enroll him this fall, as my belly really restricts what i can do with him, but I might do it again in the spring as some special time for us (the fitness center offers childcare that I could drop off Connor at). Here are some pictures of our last day today.

You have to focus hard on the balance beam!

Going up...


And then you get to TUMBLE!!!!

He LOVED the parachute. When the class first started, he really wasn't sure. But by the time we ended the class, he would get so giddy when she brought it out, and would just laugh and laugh while we sang songs and did the parachute!

Ridin' on the scooters